Hulu Watch Full Length The Wretched

The Wretched Hulu



Audience Score: 254 Vote A defiant teenage boy, struggling with his parent"s imminent divorce, faces off with a thousand year-old witch, who is living beneath the skin of and posing as the woman next door Duration: 1hours 35Min Piper Curda 6,9 / 10 Star

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Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s 99. 9% of all horror flicks the story lines contained only adults and or young adults like in the case of Freddy Kruger or Friday the 13th and they were scary as hell zero child violence. These day’s practically 99. 9% of horror flicks contain’s violence against mothers, little boys and girls. Eating the life energy source from little kids because they are innocent.... WTF? this really the society we have become? Ask yourself why do you think this is okay? I’m not going to support an industry that profits from movies involving child violence I’ve had enough this is the last period. Reviewed in the United States on May 3, 2020 Verified Purchase OK, not what I expected. SO many horror films have the cheap effects, look amateur, cheesy score. I was half-expecting that with this, until I saw the LA Times review comparing it to Hitchcock and Spielberg!? So I watched it and was quite surprised. The quality is high, this is not an indie flick. Things like the score and the effects are as good as anything out there. Mainly, I liked how they were subtle with everything, not the super gore or even reliance on effects. It"s more of the classic SCARE, like Poltergeist - they know what makes you freak out and jump. I was watching it alone and was really on-edge during this - and after. I think it"s more classic style horror, with a modern look and feel. The kid playing Ben is really good for his age and it"s good having a teen be a strong main character. The crazy neighbor Abbie is actually weird but sexy - not the usual 1-dimensional approach. Her husband plays the rocker dude perfectly - all not the usual parts from a horror flick, so it feels a lot more real. More scary. Reviewed in the United States on May 13, 2020 Verified Purchase Directing $6-$7 towards this movie is a waste, when there are far superior streaming options for less of a price,. 99 cents or "free" (at no additional price attached to the monthly service rate). Sure, you probably were curious because the marketing poster caused you to wonder if the movie would be as good as some of the better or more decent "horror" genre movies you"ve seen. It is NOT. It is subpar in every sense, and your entertainment viewing time would be better rewarded watching just about anything else. "The Wretched" is no "Hereditary", no "The House of The Devil", no "Blackcoat"s Daughter", no "Midsommar" nor anything as "fun" as horror in the vein of "Drag Me to Hell".. sure is NOT the stuff of classic 1980"s horror classic. Instead, "The Wretched" is immediately forgettable, aside from the fact that you"ll remember that whatever you spent in terms of both time & dollars directed towards going the curious route and opting to select this movie, should have been directed towards watching countless of far better movie options of any genre! Heck, you"d probably feel better if you"d have went the route of a Transformers movie! Ouch... "The Wretched" is not worth it. Stay clear of it. *I rated "The Wretched" with 1-star. "0" is more accurate but one has to select at least 1-star to submit a review. RATING = ZERO ("0") Reviewed in the United States on May 23, 2020 Verified Purchase A classic tale of the forest witch with a good production company, good acting, solid plot, and of course the theme is one of horror. I tried to piece together the writing of this script, and it"s an amalgamation of many movies the I have watched over the years, I believe, and they are the following: Fright Night, Mothman Prophecies, The Body Snatchers, Predator (the forest came alive and took him), Blair Witch Project, Headless Horseman with Johnny Depp, and Ernest: Scared Stupid (the Troll taking children" s souls). It"s about a forest witch, or spirit, that consumes humans and young children, and for some reason is really pissed off, perhaps from Global Climate Change. It"s also a movie for the younger generation, with the lead supposedly having all kinds of behavioral issues, as far as being believed by his father, that a witch is living next door, who consumes your body, all mixed together with a teen whose parents are divorced, meeting new friends, getting pranked by these new friends, trying to work and please your father, all the while spying on your neighbor, and realizing that your true love is the girl you work with. I won"t spoil the ending, as it is your typical good versus evil battle. I only gave this movie three stars because it is a very good first attempt by these brothers, but basically, it"s nothing new, just a new take on a really old story. And a little boring. However, by all means, it"s highly recommended, and especially around Halloween. Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2020 Verified Purchase I had been looking forward to this movie for a while and in some ways the movie lived up to the hype, while in others it didn"t. This is definitely a 3. 5/5 star movie, though I can only give it 3. Overall, the story was okay, though when the twist occurs, there are some definite holes, but those can be overlooked. The makeup effects were great, as was the acting by almost all of the cast. This film isn"t very thought provoking, but it is fun. Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2020 Verified Purchase What the heck?! Outstanding production quality and a gripping story. Nice to see a horror movie that doesn"t rely on jump scares and loud noises. The practical effects were panic-inducing and really made my skin crawl. The story was coherent, compelling, and more interesting than most of the stuff that Netflix and the like are putting out lately. If you"re out of blockbuster horror movies to watch, pick this up or rent it and you won"t be disappointed!

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